Summer Sun

sweet honey melting

from the summer sky

looks so close

that I could taste it

feel it fall on my lips

rich like chocolate

sprinkled with love

dissolve onto my tongue

deep into my soul and

Mmmmmm GOOD! 

refreshing me

energizing me

and I soak it in

waiting for some more

one more drop

of Heaven’s delight

and I can see God!

this is the sweetest Love

I’ve ever known.

Good Morning

It’s miraculous.

The wind blows and I feel my soul shift.

I feel the wind blow and my problems lift.

The sunrise and the sunset,

The Glory of God,

I am not soon to forget.

Another day has come,

and another day will go.

Blessed beyond measure.

Blessed more than you’ll know.

The Sun awakens and grazes all that is and

All that ever will be.

The Sun awakens and awakens the Life inside me.

No greater sight to behold,

than the slightest tilt of the Earth on its axis-

than the Earth reaching out of the darkness,

right out to the heartless, and

into the morning light.

It’s a miraculous thing-

To know,

to treasure,

to revel in all that is Life.

In all that is Love.


Another original I wrote in high school (see Love Lost). This one was published in my high school’s literary magazine and I received an award.



Why do you shy away from it?
There is no place to hide.
No place to run from the terror that lives inside.
It creeps inside your soul 
and feasts upon your mind.
Just ask anyone. 
It succeeds every time.

When your being becomes so weak,
It’s hard to imagine the strong. 
It thinks its right, when its oh so wrong.
Terribly frightening 
Unimaginably cold
This hellion is so crushingly bold. 

Does it really hurt?
I can’t remember how it felt. 
It turned my soul inside out,
And my life began to melt. 
I’m so numb from the pain, 
that there is no pain at all. 
All this from a being so tiny, so small.